Eleni Bardaka

Dr. Eleni Bardaka is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) at NCSU. She is primarily associated with the Transportation Systems group within the CCEE Department and is interested in transportation planning and economics research. Dr. Bardaka currently teaches CE 250 – Introduction to Sustainable Infrastructure, CE 401/501 – Transportation Systems Analysis, and CE 701 – Advanced Spatial Analysis and Econometrics.

Her work focuses on two main research areas: (i) the study of causal social and economic impacts of transportation investments and policies; and (ii) the analysis of aggregate and individual travel demand, preferences, and needs related to public transportation systems, smart mobility systems, and land-use and infrastructure financing policies. In her research, she uses quasi-experimental methods, spatial analysis, and econometric modeling.

Contact Information:
Eleni Bardaka
North Carolina State University, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
425F Mann Hall, 2501 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607
Email: ebardak at ncsu.edu