
* Indicates supervised graduate student

Journal Publications

A27. Schmidt*, A., and Bardaka, E. (2024). The role of transit investments and initial neighborhood attributes on gentrification outcomes. Transportation Research Part D Vol 137.

A26. Sundaresan*, D., Watson, A., Bardaka, E., Chen Lee, C., Mayhorn, C. B., and Singh, M. P. (2024). Prosociality in Microtransit. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), Vol 82. doi: 10.1613/jair.1.16777 (To appear)

A25. Ghimire*, S., Bardaka, E., Monast, K., Wang*, J., and Wright, W. (2024). Policy, management, and operation practices in U.S. microtransit systems. Transport Policy Vol 145.

A24. Ghimire*, S., Bardaka, E. (2024). Do low-income households walk and cycle to reduce their transport cost? Insights from the 2017 National Household Travel Survey. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 18(5).

A23. Liu*, C., and Bardaka, E. (2023). Transit-induced commercial gentrification: Causal inference through a difference-in-differences analysis of business microdata. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 175.

A22. Ghimire*, S., and Bardaka, E. (2023). Active travel among carless and car-owning low-income populations in the United States. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and the Environment 117.

A21. Hasnat*, M., Bardaka, E., and Samandar, S. (2023). Differential impacts of autonomous and connected-autonomous vehicles on household residential location. Travel Behavior and Society 32.

A20. Hajbabaie, A., Tajalli, M., and Bardaka, E. (2023). The Effects of Connectivity and Automation on Saturation Headway and Capacity at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record 2678(5).

A19. Schmidt*, A., Bardaka, E., and Thill, J. (2022). Causal, spatiotemporal impacts of transit investments: Exploring spatial heterogeneity from announcement through long-run operation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 161.

A18. Liu*, C., Bardaka, E., and Paschalidis, E. (2022). Sustainable transport choices in public transit access: Travel behavior differences between university students and other young adults. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.

A17. Hasnat*, M. and Bardaka, E. (2022). Exploring the efficacy of traditional and alternative funding mechanisms to provide transportation revenue during the COVID-19 pandemic. Case Studies on Transport Policy.

A16. Hasnat*, M. and Bardaka, E. (2022). Distribution of highway infrastructure cost responsibility and revenue contribution shares among highway users in North Carolina: Present conditions and future alternatives. Transportation Research Record.

A15. Murray*, J. and Bardaka, E. (2021). Evaluating the spatial and temporal distribution of beltway effects on housing prices using difference-in-differences methods. Transportation.

A14. Liu*, C., and Bardaka, E. (2021). The suburbanization of poverty and changes in access to public transportation in the Triangle Region, NC. Journal of Transport Geography 90.

A13. Dubljevic, V,, List, G., Milojevich, J., Ajmeri, N., Bauer, W. A., Singh, M. P., Bardaka, E., et al. (2021). Toward a rational and ethical sociotechnical system of autonomous vehicles: A novel application of multi-criteria decision analysis. PLOS ONE 16(8):e0256224.

A12. Hasnat*, M., Bardaka, E., Samandar, S., Rouphail, N., List, G., and Williams, B. (2021). Impacts of private autonomous and connected vehicles on transportation network demand in the Triangle Region, NC. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development 147(1).

A11. Bardaka, E., Hajibabai, L., and Singh, M. (2020). Reimagining Ride Sharing: Efficient, Equitable, Sustainable Public Microtransit, IEEE Internet Computing 24(5). 10.1109/MIC.2020.3018038

A10. Berglund, E., Monroe, J., Ahmed, I., Noghabaei, M., Do, J., Pesantez, J., Fasaee, M., Bardaka, E., Han, K, Proestos, G. T., and Levis, J. (2020). Smart Infrastructure: A Vision for the Role of the Civil Engineering Profession in Smart Cities. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems 26(2).

A9. Liu*, C., Bardaka, E., Palakurthy, R., and Tung, L. (2020). Analysis of travel characteristics and access mode choice of elderly urban rail riders in Denver, Colorado, Travel Behavior and Society 19.

A8. Wang, L., Jiang, M., Miwa, T., Bardaka, E., and Morikawa, T. (2020). Preliminary Study of Transit-Induced Residential Gentrification in Nagoya, Japan. Asian Transport Studies 6.

A7. Bardaka, E., Delgado, M. S., & Florax, R. J. G. M. (2019). A spatial multiple treatment/multiple outcome difference-in-differences model with an application to urban rail infrastructure and gentrification, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 121.

A6. Bardaka, E., and Hersey, J. (2019). Comparing the travel behavior of affordable and market-rate housing residents in the transit-rich neighborhoods of Denver, CO. Travel Behavior and Society 15.

A5. Bardaka, E., Delgado, M., and Florax, R. J. G. M. (2018). Causal identification of transit-induced gentrification and spatial spillover effects: The case of the Denver Light Rail. Journal of Transport Geography 71.

A4. Chacon-Hurtado, D., Bardaka, E., Yang, R., Gkritza, K. and Fricker, J. D. (2017). Tools for wider economic impact assessment of corridor improvements: Lessons learned from the FHWA implementation assistance program in Indiana. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems 143(5).

A3. Bardaka, E., Zhang, Z., Labi, S., Sinha, K. C., and Mannering, F. L. (2016). Statistical assessment of the cost effectiveness of highway pavement warranty contracts. Journal of Infrastructure Systems 22(3).

A2. Volovski M., Bardaka, E., Zhang, Z., Agbelie, B., Labi, S., and Sinha, K. C. (2016). Updating state and local highway cost allocation and revenue attribution: A case study for Indiana. Transportation Research Record: A Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2597.

A1. Bardaka, E., Labi, S., and Haddock, J. (2014). Using enhanced econometric techniques to verify the service life of asset interventions: A case study for Indiana. Transportation Research Record: A Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2431.

Conference Proceedings

Bardaka, E., Van Hentenryck, P., Chen Lee, C., Mayhorn, C.B., Monast, K., Samaranayake, S., and Singh, M. P. Empathy and AI: Achieving Equitable Microtransit for Underserved Communities. Proceedings of the 34th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Track on AI for Good, Jeju, Korea, August 2024, pages, 7179–7187.

Bardaka, E., Pyrialakou, V. D., and Gkritza, K. (2016). Assessing the socioeconomic effects of transit rail development: An exploration of displacement and gentrification. Conference Proceedings, 2016 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 10-14, 2016, Washington D.C.

Liao, T., Mbakogu, G. E., Nguyen, N. T., Refai, S., Akinbade, Y., Bardaka, E., and Labi, S. (2013). Environmental parameters for infrastructure modeling: Updating existing data on spatial distribution of climate conditions in continental United States. Conference Proceedings, 2013 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 13-17, 2013, Washington D.C.

Bardaka, E., and Karlaftis, M. G. (2012). Effects of rehabilitation treatments on pavement cracking: An empirical investigation. Conference Proceedings, 2012 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 22-26, 2012, Washington D.C.

Technical Reports

B7. Murray*, J., and Bardaka, E. (2019). Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Major Beltway Project Impacts on Surrounding Property Values in North Carolina & Technology Transfer of the Results. Final Report, NCDOT Project 2019-44.

B6. Norboge, N., Head, W., Findley, D., Chittilla, R., Broussard, P., Cobb, M., Goode, L., and Bardaka, E. (2019). Public Perception of Transportation Fees and Taxes in North Carolina. Final Report, NCDOT Project 2019-32, FHWA/NC/2019-32.

B5. Guastad, B. V., Wright, W., Monast, K., and Bardaka, E. (2019). Assessing Measures of Transportation Disadvantage for Public Transportation Project Prioritization. Final Report, NCDOTP Project 2019-15, FHWA/NC/2019-16.

B4. Guastad, B. V., Murray*, J., Bardaka, E., Findley, D., Smith, R., and Martin, J. (2018) Analysis and validation of historical transportation investments. Final Report, NCDOT Project 2017-22.

B3. Chacon-Hurtado, D., Bardaka, E., Yang, R., Gkritza, K. and Fricker, J. D. (2015). Economic Development Impact of Corridor Improvements: SHRP2 Tools for Assessing the Wider Economic Benefits of Transportation Implementation Assistance. Final Report, SPR-3912, JTRP, for the Indiana Department of Transportation.

B2. Volovski, M., Bardaka, E., Zhang. Z., Agbelie, B., Labi, S. and Sinha, K. C. (2015). Indiana State Highway Cost Allocation and Revenue Attribution Study. Final Report, SPR-3704, JTRP, for the Indiana Department of Transportation.

B1. Bardaka, E., Labi, S., and Haddock, J. (2012). Service Lives of Selected Pavement Rehabilitation Treatments. Final Report, SPR-3552, JTRP, for the Indiana Department of Transportation.


Conference Presentations

C36. Liu*, C., Bardaka, E. (2021). Investigating transit-induced commercial gentrification in Charlotte, North Carolina. Presented at the 2021 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.

C35. Liu*, C., Bardaka, E. (2021). Sustainable transport choices in transit station access: Travel behavior differences between college students and other younger adults. Presented at the 2021 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.

C34. Hasnat*, M., Bardaka, E. (2021). Exploring the efficacy of alternative funding mechanisms to provide transportation revenue during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the 2021 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.

C33. Hasnat*, M., Bardaka, E., List, G., Rouphail, N., and Williams, B. (2021). Investigating city parking policies for connected autonomous vehicles and their effect on transportation network performance. Presented at the 2021 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.

C32. Samandar, S., Das, T., Rouphail, N., Williams, B., and Bardaka, E. (2021). CAV Dedicated Lane: Mobility Implications of Access Control in a Mixed Traffic Environment. Presented at the 2021 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.

C31. Dall’erba, S., Tong, D., Mansury, Y., Reid, N., Patrick, C., Delgado, M., Low, S., Xu, Y., Bardaka, E. (2020). Diversity and Inclusion at NARSC: Survey Results.  Presented at the 67th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Sciences Association.

C30. Hasnat*, M. and Bardaka, E. (2020). Investigating city parking policies for autonomous vehicles and their network-level effects on travel demand. Presented at the 67th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Sciences Association.

C29. Liu*, C., Bardaka, E. and Thill, J. (2020).  Investigating Commercial Gentrification around LYNX Blue Line in Charlotte, North Carolina. Presented at the 67th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Sciences Association.

C28. Samandar, S., Sharma, S., Rouphail, N., Bardaka, E., Williams, B., and List, G. (2020). Roadmap for Incorporating Autonomy and Connectivity: Modeling Mobility Impacts in Simulation. Presented at the 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 12-16, 2020, Washington D.C.

C27. Murray*, J., and Bardaka, E. (2020). Investigating the spatial and temporal distribution of major beltway project impacts on residential property prices in North Carolina.  Presented at the 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 12-16, 2020, Washington D.C.

C26. Liu*, C., Bardaka, E. (2020). Suburbanization of poverty and changes in transit accessibility over time. Presented at the 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 12-16, 2020, Washington D.C.

C25. Hasnat*, M., Bardaka, E., List, G., Rouphail, N., and Williams, B. (2020). Regional Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles on Transportation Network Demand: A Case Study of the Triangle Region, NC. Presented at the 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 12-16, 2020, Washington D.C.

C24. Hasnat*, M., and Bardaka, E. (2020). Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Households’ Residential Location Choices in Triangle Regional Area of North Carolina. Presented at the 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 12-16, 2020, Washington D.C.

C23. Liu*, C., Bardaka, E. (2019). Suburbanization of poverty and changes in public transportation in the Triangle Region, NC. Presented at the 66th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Sciences Association, November 2019

C22. Murray*, J., and Bardaka, E. (2019). Investigating the spatial distribution of causal impacts of beltway development on property prices in North Carolina. Presented at the NCAMPO Annual Transportation Conference, April 24-26, 2019, Charlotte, NC.

C21. Liu*, C., Bardaka, E., and Karlson, T. (2019) Suburbanization of poverty and changes in transportation access. Presented at the NCAMPO Annual Transportation Conference, April 24-26, 2019, Charlotte, NC.

C20. Liu*, C., Bardaka, E., Fell, H. (2019). Examining the determinants of urban rail station choice in Denver, Colorado. Presented at the 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 13-17, 2019, Washington D.C.

C19. Liu*, C., Bardaka, E., Palakurthy, R., and Tung, L. (2019). Travel behavior and access mode choice analysis of elderly urban rail users in Denver, Colorado. Presented at the 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 13-17, 2019, Washington D.C.

C18. Murray*, J., Bardaka, E., Dudley, T., Gaustad, B., Findley, D., and Bert, S. (2019). Investigating the spatial distribution of major beltway project impacts on surrounding residential and commercial property prices in North Carolina. Presented at the 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 13-17, 2019, Washington D.C.

C17. Bardaka, E. and Hersey, J. (2019). Comparing the travel behavior characteristics of affordable and market-rate apartment residents in the transit-rich neighborhoods of Denver, CO. Presented at the 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 13-17, 2019, Washington D.C.

C16. Murray*, J., and Bardaka, E. (2018). Investigating the spatial distribution of major beltway project impacts on surrounding residential and commercial property prices in North Carolina. Presented at the 65th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Sciences Association, November 2018, San Antonio, Texas.

C15. Bardaka, E. and Hersey, J. (2018). Equitable Transit-Oriented Development in Denver, CO: Comparing Travel Characteristics and Mode Choice between Residents of Low-Income and Market-Rate Apartments. Presented at the 2018 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 2018, Washington D.C.

C14. Bardaka, E. Delgado, M., and Florax, R. (2017). Spatial Difference-in-Differences Regression for Multiple Binary Treatments. Presented at the 64th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Sciences Association, November 2017, Vancouver, Canada.

C13. Bardaka, E. and Hersey, J. (2017). Ridership Impacts of Equitable Transit-Oriented Development in Denver CO. Presented at the 64th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Sciences Association, November 2017, Vancouver, Canada.

C12. Bardaka, E. Delgado, M., and Florax, R. (2017) A Spatial Multiple Treatment/Multiple Outcome Difference-in-Differences Model with an Application to Urban Rail Infrastructure and Gentrification. Presented at the International Transportation Economics Association Annual Meeting, June 2017, Barcelona, Spain.

C11. Bardaka, E., Delgado, M., and Florax, R. J. G. M. (2017). Causal identification of gentrification and displacement effects of urban rail infrastructure. Presented at the 2017 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 8-12, 2017, Washington D.C.

C10. Bardaka, E., Delgado, M., and Florax, R. J. G. M. (2016). Causal Identification of Gentrification and Socioeconomic Impacts of Urban Rail Infrastructure. Presented at the 9th Annual Midwest Summit on Applied Economics Regional and Urban Studies, April 23-24, 2016, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL.

C9. Bardaka, E., Delgado, M., and Florax, R. J. G. M. (2016). Causal identification of gentrification and displacement effects of urban rail infrastructure. Presented at the 63rd Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Sciences Association International, November 8-12, 2016, Minneapolis, MN.

C8. Chacon-Hurtado, D., Bardaka, E., Yang, R., Gkritza, K. and Fricker, J. D. (2016). Transportation and economic development: An assessment of the SHRP2 C11 tools and their synergies with economic simulation models for the evaluation of wider economic benefits of transportation projects. Presented at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development, June 26-29, 2016, Houston, TX.

C7. Chacon-Hurtado, D., Bardaka, E., Yang, R., Gkritza, K. and Fricker, J. D. (2016). An application of the EconWorks W.E.B. tools in Indiana. Presented at the 102nd Purdue Road School, March 8-10, 2016, West Lafayette, IN.

C6. Chacon-Hurtado, D., Bardaka, E., Yang, R., Gkritza, K. and Fricker, J. D. (2016). Economic impact assessment of transportation projects at the middle-stage planning level: An application of the SHRP2 C11 tools and a regional economic model. Presented at the 2016 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 10-14, 2016, Washington D.C.

C5. Volovski M., Bardaka, E., Zhang, Z., Agbelie, B., Labi, S., and Sinha, K. C. (2016). Updating state and local highway cost allocation and revenue attribution: A case study for Indiana. Presented at the 2016 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 10-14, 2016, Washington D.C.

C4. Bardaka, E., Gkritza, K. and Fricker, J. D. (2015). Tools for assessing wider economic benefits of transportation: Background and application of the SHRP2 C11 access to buyer-seller markets tool in Indiana”, Presented at the 2015 Indiana Metropolitan Planning Organizations Conference, October 13-15, 2015, Muncie, IN.

C3. Bardaka, E., Zhang, Z., Labi, S., and Sinha, K. C. (2014). Cost-effectiveness evaluation of short-term performance warranty contracts: A case study on Indiana pavement warranty contracts. Presented at the 2014 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 12-16, 2014, Washington D.C.

C2. Bardaka, E., Labi, S., and Haddock J. E. (2014). Verifying the service life of asset interventions using enhanced econometric techniques: A case study for Indiana. Presented at the 2014 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 12-16, 2014, Washington D.C.

C1. Bardaka, E., and Labi, S. (2012). Forecasting the life of asset preservation treatments: A comparative evaluation of alternative tools and techniques. Presented at the Transportation Research Board 9th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management, April 16-18, 2012, San Diego, CA.